Having been the mother of a somewhat sensible girl for the past 5+ years, I thought I had a pretty good grasp on the things kids do. I'm here to tell you that boys are a whole new ball-game. Only a boy would think it perfectly reasonable to ride a tractor down a flight of stairs. Oh wait, let me rephrase--ATTEMPT to ride a tractor down a flight of stairs. He made it part of the way and then flew head over heels the remaining 10-12 steps, landing with a sickening thud at the bottom on the wood floor. And yes--after all these years of saying, "You're going to bust your head open," it finally happened. He opened about an inch gash on the back of his head and had two minor abrasions on both sides of his head. AND, 3-4 goose eggs all over his head. He wouldn't hold still enough to let me count.
We applied pressure, and I looked at the gash. Yuck, yes, but my initial thought was that we wouldn't need stitches. I gave him some acetominophen and he went back to playing. Four hours later his head was still oozing so I called the doc. We ended up at the Cedar Hill Care Now to make sure he wouldn't need a staple in his head. The doc cleaned it, agreed with me that it was nothing, and didn't even make us pay for the visit. I'm sooooooooooo recommending them to everyone! JD went to church that night and didn't even complain of a headache/soreness the next day. Oh to be young with bouncy bones....
So that was on Wednesday. Friday, we're at a playdate at McDonald's after story time at the library. Somehow, he managed to go from calmly eating his apple dippers to falling off the back of the bench and busting his mouth open (the gum area above his front teeth). Enough already! I told him (after the staunching of blood and comforting) that Mommy had seen enough of his blood this week. No more!
We've made it 2 whole days with no new wounds, hallelujah.
Here's hoping next week will be better...
This Christmas Season. . .
2 months ago
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