Sorry about lying in the last blog. I know I still haven't posted any pics.....
Anyway, I intend to record this for posterity, but in the meantime, let me tell you about JD's variation on Rudolph.
Ruldolph, the red-nosed reindeer (reindeer)
Had a very shiny nose (like a lightbulb)
......and so on.......
All of the other reindeer (reindeer)
Used to laugh & call him names (that wasn't very nice)
YES, he honestly says that, and he came up with it himself. I ROFL every time he does it. Cate keeps trying to correct him, but I'm trying to convince her to leave well enough alone! How cute is that!!!
In other news, Catie fell off the monkey bars yesterday at school and knocked out her remaining top front tooth (right one). If you remember, her brother knocked out her top left front tooth a few weeks ago with his head. Who, I ask, gets 2 teeth knocked out in the course of one month????? Thankfully, they were both baby teeth that were already somewhat loose but still. Also, in both cases, the x-rays have been clear; no roots broke off in her gums. Hallelujah!!
So that's our life in a nutshell. Now Caitlin can sing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" with confidence!!
This Christmas Season. . .
2 months ago
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